Jiangxi Hongyuan Machinery Co., Ltd.
Jiangxi Hongyuan Machinery Co., Ltd.
Jiangxi Hongyuan Machinery Co., Ltd.
polypropylene FDY s
High-strength polyp
PP POY spinning mac
Polyester FDY indus
Polyester FDY civil
Polyester POY spinn
Polypropylene BCF s
Single machine
Chemical fiber spin
Polypropylene spinning machine
Polyester spinning machine
FDY spinning machine
POY spinning machine
BCF spinning machine
Single machine
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Chemical fiber spinning specially >> Chemical fiber spinning specially(Side blowing)  


Chemical fiber spinning special parts (Note granulator, special components)

Jiangxi Hongyuan Machinery Co., Ltd. has a polyester, polypropylene, nylon and other synthetic products spinning technology, engineering and complete sets of technology. Undertake a variety of fiber-related equipment (POY, FDY) design manufacture and transformation, and to help users engage in market research, program identification, plant planning, equipment installation and commissioning, production line drive, staff training, service and maintenance and other train services.

Jiangxi Hongyuan Machinery Co., Ltd. specializes in producing sales: Upjohn polypropylene FDY spinning machine, high-strength polypropylene FDY spinning machine, PP POY spinning machine, FDY polyester industrial yarn spinning machines, textile yarn polyester FDY spinning machine, polyester POY spinning wire machine, polypropylene BCF spinning machines, single wire machines, hot roll, polypropylene spinning machine, polyester spinning machine, polypropylene spinning equipment, polypropylene FDY step spinning equipment, polyester spinning equipment, polypropylene Upjohn FDY spinning machine led joint , polyester industrial yarn spinning machine.

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Address:No. 868 five Tong Road High-tech park, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Provinc Tel:0794-8256629 Email:info@jxhyjxw.com
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